Lockdown Blues

In the UK we have been in lockdown for a few weeks now and it is starting to feel a lot more normal now. This means that some parts of this are starting to feel a bit easier, like working from home all of the time and not having to worry about what I am wearing at all (I am pretty much living in yoga pants and t-shirts). However there are other parts of this that I am still finding difficult.

It is hard not being able to catch up with my family in person. I am not really that fussed about seeing lots of people all of the time but it is nice seeing my family every week or so and I am missing that side of things.

The second thing that I am struggling is not being able to go for a walk more than once a day. I living on the outskirts of my city because I enjoy getting out into nature for walks and even more so when I am stressed about something. This means that being stuck in the house most of the day is quite difficult for me. I am lucky to have access to a small garden (I know that there are many that do not have access to this) but I still want to be walking about which is frustrating.

The final thing that I am struggling with is the lack of exercise. In addition to doing lots of walking normally I also cycle for transport and go for the odd run as well. This means that reducing all of the exercise to just one walk a day feels like a big adjustment. I am trying to make sure that I don't spent too much time sitting down and doing nothing however it is really difficult to make myself get up when there is nothing that I can do and nowhere that I can go to. I am also concerned that not moving in this way will mean that I will put on quite a bit of weight over the next few weeks.

Having spent the last few paragraphs complaining about the things that I have been struggling with however it is important to recognise that in many ways I am doing really well and I have a lot less to be worried about than others people. I have my health and my family have their health, I don't have any current money worries. This is a lot better than a lot of people right now. It is really clear that it is easy to get hung up on your worries and forget to be thankful for what you do have. Next week I am going to be trying my best to focus on what I have in my life to be thankful for rather than spending time feeling unhappy about what I am missing.


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